Top Life Coach of the Year for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP)
Rebecca Elizabeth Whitman, Life Coach, Podcaster and Author, was recently selected as Top Life Coach of the Year for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP)
"Rebecca uses her exclusive knowledge and understanding to guide her clientele towards success. Her mission is to assist women in achieving work/life balance so they can have more fun and freedom. She believes by using the seven pillars of abundance you can attain happiness in your spirituality, fitness, emotions, romance, mental, social and financial life.
Through Rebecca’s 7-week training, Elegant Warrior, she gives tips, tools, strategies, and practical applications that will shift your life immediately. The 6 Figure Side Hustle is an 8-week program designed to unlock the freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want and with whom you want.
She is the host of “Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant” a podcast in the top 5% ranked globally. As an Author, Rebecca has written two highly rated book: “Business, Life Universe” and “How to Make a Six Figure Income Working Part Time” both available on and Audible."

Episode 69 of Strong Enough Podcast brings Rebecca Whitman, a podcast host and life coach committed to empowering women to courageously practice self-love so they may experience abundance, resilience, and freedom in life. Rebecca's own traumatic events led her to realize that she deserved true happiness, and she developed the seven pillars of abundance, which all need nurturing to achieve a balanced, successful, and happy life.
During this episode, Rebecca shares the seven pillars of abundance in order of importance, and provides tips and tricks on how you can integrate these pillars into your life. She talks about side hustles and shares how finding your passion in the form of a side hustle can provide you with more happiness, more fulfillment, a better work/life balance, and ultimately, more money in your life. Finally, Rebecca shares why it's never too late to find your soul mate, and she gives you practical ways that you can step out as your most confident, authentic self.
#abundance #warrior #freedom
How's your morning ritual?
Join Rebecca Whitman on the Dirobi Health Show Podcast as she explains the importance of having a morning ritual to start your day that will give you the energy and faith to achieve everything you want that day and beyond.
Are you ready to say BYE, BYE, to BURNOUT?
Rebecca Whitman shares life-changing insights with host Dagmar Torres from the Be Fearless Podcast to help you be fearless in balanced, beautiful, abundance.
Morning Rituals leading to a Life of Abundance
Do you have a morning ritual that is full of ABUNDANCE? Listen with Rebecca Whitman as she gives valuable tips on how to fill your morning full of ABUNDANCE.
Close Up Radio Spotlights Success Mentor Rebecca Whitman
Do you have The freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want and with whom you want? Sit back and listen as Rebecca Whitman shares the practical skills and tools to live the life you've always wanted.
Work-life Balance and Abundance with Rebecca Whitman
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode of The Goal Digger Girl Podcast, Rebecca Whitman and I will dive into the difference between masculine and feminine energy in business. We also discuss what our versions of work-life balance look like and the strategies behind them. If you’re ready to crush your business and light your soul on fire, then stay tuned!
Power to Live More
Learn why gratitude is essential when building a life of abundance and how affirmations can help you achieve your goals.
We are Women!
In this episode of The We Are Women Podcast, Rebecca Whitman explains why it is vital to have balance in the 7 most important pillars of life.
Inspirational Moments with Rebecca Whitman
Create the abundant life that deep down, you know you deserve!
Join Rebecca Whitman on Love The Leap with Dr. Renee Wellenstein where they discuss the Seven Pillars of Abundance so that you can be the elegant warrior you were meant to be.
Rebecca Whitman, Success Mentor, Author, and Life Coach Sits Down with Jason Zuk on The Social Psychic Radio Show
Special Guest Rebecca Whitman Sits Down with Jason Zuk to discuss the 7 Pillars of Abundance.
Affirmations For Abundance With Rebecca Whitman
Jenny Light interviews LA Success Coach, Rebecca Whitman, about her tips for an abundant, successful life. She shares affirmations to manifest abundance, attract your soul mate, cultivate a positive attitude towards failure, and the power of meditation.
Practicing Radical Self-Care Leads To Abundance

How do you get into flow state?
Discover Your 7 Pillars of Abundance with Rebecca Whitman
What do I want? How do I feel? What are the changes that are needed and necessary?
The 7 pillars of abundance.
All relationships are a teacher for YOU.
The way of the Superior Man.
Rebecca Whitman is a success mentor, author, life coach who helps women go from burned out to balanced, beautiful, and abundant by getting all of their 7 pillars of success into alignment. In our interview we focus on Rebecca’s 7 pillars of attraction to manifest your soulmate.

Rebecca Whitman Success Mentor
on October 28, 2020
Rebecca Whitman got a divorce the same week her beloved father died. Most people would be depressed and lying in bed for weeks. But Rebecca was able to not only stay high performing, she actually felt joy. Not that she didn’t feel the grief of losing her father, she realized that her life was in balance in seven key areas. As a success coach, author and motivational speaker, Rebecca teaches women that there are seven pillars of abundance. When they have all seven pillars in alignment, they can manifest love, health and financial freedom.
Rebecca defines freedom as the ability to do what you want, when you want, where you and with who you want. She wrote a book called “How to Make a Six Figure Income Working Part-Time,” available on Amazon and Audible, which illuminates these seven pillars of abundance. They are described as; Spirituality, Fitness, Emotional, Romantic, Mental, Social and Financial. These key areas are placed in order of importance to having a beautiful, balanced, and abundant lifestyle.
How to go from Burned Out to Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant.
Most women feel burned out when they sacrifice their own needs in order to be there for others. Many women put themselves last. They are there for their kids, husbands, bosses and community before they take care of themselves.
Even though we are in the height of the feminist movement, many women still abide by the old societal construct that it is selfish to put their self-care above serving others. The truth is that a woman cannot truly be present to the needs of others unless she is fulfilled first. You simply can’t pour from an empty cup! Women need to be celebrated for practicing self-love, not judged for being self-obsessed. A woman can create her dream life when she regards her own happiness as her number one priority.
Practicing Radical Self-Care leads to Abundance
Many people wonder what does living a balanced life have to do with making six figures working part-time! The old paradigm is work hard, play hard. Work for until you are 65 and then you can retire. Rebecca’s thought process is more feminine and spiritual. You don’t have to work so hard to achieve results when you are in flow state. Flow state is when things just seem to work together with ease and synchronicity. You can relax more and enjoy the journey towards your goal, rather than pushing yourself to mental and physical exhaustion.
How do you get into flow state? The number one way is meditation and spiritual practice. Rebecca is a big believer in how you start your day determines the type of day you will have. She recommends beginning your day with meditation, yoga, journaling, reading, or exercise. Exercise the activity to plan your day around, she explains. Many people thing they have to make money first so that they can afford a fancy gym or hire a trainer. How does exercise help increase your abundance? Exercise creates a natural high with powerful hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins! With that increased energy, you have the zest for life it takes to go after your financial goals!
Having a loving and supportive romantic partner and an uplifting group of friends are also important. She encourages clients to leave people, places and situations that no longer serve their highest good. She explains that people sometimes need to let go of what they have to get what they want. All your dreams are outside of your comfort zone! They key to learn to love the feeling of being challenged!

Spiritual Biz Chat: Rebecca Whitman
An accomplished writer and transformational public speaker, Rebecca Whitman graduated with honors from Princeton University. She has been a record-setting, top producer in all commission sales, selling business to business and consumer goods and services over 25 years.
She has been studying metaphysics and on a spiritual path for 30 years and celebrates the launch of her first book. In addition, Rebecca is a SAG actress and appeared in numerous television shows, plays and films. Rebecca lives in Los Angeles with her Chocolate Labrador, Atticus.
Her new book, “How to Make a Six-figure Income Working Part-Time”, is about creating more fun and freedom in your life, by using simple tools and strategies. Rebecca has created a unique approach to abundance in how to benefit in seven key areas of y our life for immediate results.
This book addresses different areas of life-spirituality, health, social, emotional romance and finance to make sure you are living your best life. The time to make a change is now. And now is the only time there is.
KIMBERLY: Hello, Rebecca, and welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat! Let’s get right to it! What motivated you to write your book, “How to Make a Six-figure Income Working Part-Time”?
REBECCA: My father was on his deathbed and he asked me to write something. He said that I am naturally good at writing and that I need to express myself. He said that it could be an essay, a short story or an article for a magazine, but to please write. So I honored his wish by writing this book.
KIMBERLY: What is this book about?
REBECCA: The book is about creating an abundant, happy life in seven areas-spiritual, physical, emotional, romantic, mental, social and financial. To most people’s surprise, the money is the last component to fall into place. It’s easier to manifest abundance when you are happy and healthy. The book provides tools, systems, and strategies to make each area of your life the best it can be.
KIMBERLY: Why is this book different from other self-help books?
REBECCA: Most self-help books are either metaphysically focused or business focused. This book combines the classic principles of spirituality with business in an easily digestible format. This is a holistic view of life and financial abundance. Financial abundance is no different than manifesting abundance in the other seven areas. They all take a discipline and practice.
KIMBERLY: Who will benefit most from the book?
REBECCA: Business people who feel stuck. They are doing all the right things and they don’t understand why making money is difficult. Or people who want to escape the corporate grind but have no idea how.
On the other hand, its also great for those who have been studying spiritual principles for years, but haven’t yet manifested financial abundance. It will show them how to link their spiritual life to making money.
KIMBERLY: What did you learn from writing the book?
REBECCA: I learned that I don’t have to be perfect. I am a recovering perfectionist. Nothing is ever good enough. If I spent more time revising the book, we wouldn’t be having this interview. I would still be working on it. I realize it’s my first book. I don’t have to make it perfect, I just have to publish it and get it out into the world.
KIMBERLY: So what would you say to those who doubt it isn’t possible to make a six-figure income working part-time?
KIMBERLY: How can our readers get your book?
REBECCA: You can get the book on Amazon in paperback, audio or Kindle form.
KIMBERLY: And how can people keep in touch with you?
REBECCA: You can subscribe to my newsletter on, and you can find me on social media. My Instagram handle is rebwhitman. On Linked In and Facebook, I am Rebecca Whitman. I would love to keep in touch!
KIMBERLY: What does spirituality have to do with making money?
REBECCA: Spirituality has a lot to do with making money. When you are connected to Source and going with the flow of the Universe, you will magnetize money. If you are negative and full of fear, you will repel money. The happier and more in alignment with you are with the dynamic good of life, the easier it is to attract money. People, places and circumstances will coincide in a way that makes money flow into your life. Getting into this mental state, requires prayer, meditation and a spiritual practice.
KIMBERLY: How can someone transition out of their 9-5 job?
REBECCA: You need to find a side hustle. You can find a franchise, a network marketing company or a home based business that you can do when you are not at your regular job. Find something you believe in! Whether it’s a product or a service, so you will be enlivened and excited to pursue it! So many of the biggest companies today were started out of people’s garages!
KIMBERLY: What do you mean by “Happy is the new rich!”?
REBECCA: How many unhappy rich people do you know? In recent months we have had two major celebrities, Kate Spade and Anthony Bordain, take their lives. Many movies stars and rock stars have either taken their lives or overdosed. They seemingly had it all. Money, power, and fame did not make them happy. If you are happy, you can read books like this and learn how to manifest money. Happiness is the foundation for a whole and complete life.
KIMBERLY: Why have you been successful in so many different sales jobs?
REBECCA: I have been successful because I have learned how to connect to people. If people like you and trust you they will buy from you. It doesn’t matter what you are selling. They are buying YOU!
KIMBERLY: How can people manage stress while reaching for their financial goals?
REBECCA: Exercise is the best way to manage stress. Move a muscle, change a thought. People take psychoactive drugs to alter their brain chemistry to make them happy and less stressed. You can get the same effect naturally through exercise. Exercise increases the dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in your brain without the side effects of drugs. I always advise talking to your physician. Don’t drop your prescription if you have a serious condition. But for me, a combination of exercise, spending time in nature and meditation work wonders.

- Rebecca Whitman got a divorce the same week her beloved father died. Most people would be depressed and lying in bed for weeks. But Rebecca was able to not only stay high performing, she actually felt joy. Not that she didn’t feel the grief of losing her father, she realized that her life was in balance in seven key areas. As a success coach, author and motivational speaker, Rebecca teaches women that there are seven pillars of abundance. When they have all seven pillars in alignment, they can manifest love, health and financial freedom.
Rebecca defines freedom as the ability to do what you want, when you want, where you and with who you want. She wrote a book called “How to Make a Six Figure Income Working Part-Time,” available on Amazon and Audible, which illuminates these seven pillars of abundance. They are described as; Spirituality, Fitness, Emotional, Romantic, Mental, Social and Financial. These key areas are placed in order of importance to having a beautiful, balanced, and abundant lifestyle.
How to go from Burned Out to Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant.
Most women feel burned out when they sacrifice their own needs in order to be there for others. Many women put themselves last. They are there for their kids, husbands, bosses and community before they take care of themselves.
Even though we are in the height of the feminist movement, many women still abide by the old societal construct that it is selfish to put their self-care above serving others. The truth is that a woman cannot truly be present to the needs of others unless she is fulfilled first. You simply can’t pour from an empty cup! Women need to be celebrated for practicing self-love, not judged for being self-obsessed. A woman can create her dream life when she regards her own happiness as her number one priority.
Practicing Radical Self-Care leads to Abundance
Many people wonder what does living a balanced life have to do with making six figures working part-time! The old paradigm is work hard, play hard. Work for until you are 65 and then you can retire. Rebecca’s thought process is more feminine and spiritual. You don’t have to work so hard to achieve results when you are in flow state. Flow state is when things just seem to work together with ease and synchronicity. You can relax more and enjoy the journey towards your goal, rather than pushing yourself to mental and physical exhaustion.
How do you get into flow state? The number one way is meditation and spiritual practice. Rebecca is a big believer in how you start your day determines the type of day you will have. She recommends beginning your day with meditation, yoga, journaling, reading, or exercise. Exercise the activity to plan your day around, she explains. Many people thing they have to make money first so that they can afford a fancy gym or hire a trainer. How does exercise help increase your abundance? Exercise creates a natural high with powerful hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins! With that increased energy, you have the zest for life it takes to go after your financial goals!
Having a loving and supportive romantic partner and an uplifting group of friends are also important. She encourages clients to leave people, places and situations that no longer serve their highest good. She explains that people sometimes need to let go of what they have to get what they want. All your dreams are outside of your comfort zone! They key to learn to love the feeling of being challenged!

Rebecca Elizabeth Whitman, Life Coach, Podcaster, and Author, was recently chosen to receive the Empowered Woman of the Year Award for 2023, given by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP). Her exemplary role as a female entrepreneur and talented professional displays her influence, capability, and proficiency.
Inclusion with the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) is an honor, only a few women are chosen for this distinction based on their years of experience, professional accomplishments, academic achievements, leadership abilities, and contributions to their communities. With innovation and compassion, these women empower others to reach their goals while creating change for future generations. Ms. Whitman will be honored for this distinction at IAOTP's 2023 Annual Awards Gala.
Rebecca has certainly demonstrated her abilities as a Life Coach and Success Mentor. She is a dynamic, results-oriented leader who has shown success and professionalism throughout her career. Rebecca currently provides Life Coaching, Mindset Training and hosts retreats in person or virtually.
Rebecca guides her clients to success by utilizing her unique knowledge and understanding. Her mission is to help women achieve work/life balance to have more fun and freedom. She believes that by incorporating the seven pillars of abundance into your life, you can achieve happiness in your spirituality, fitness, emotions, romance, and mental, social, and financial lives.
Rebecca's Elegant Warrior 7-week training provides tips, tools, strategies, and practical applications that immediately change your life. The 6-Figure Side Hustle is an 8-week program that teaches you how to do what you want when you want, where you want, and with whom you want. Rebecca helps women of all ages Magnetize, their true love, in her Manifest Your Soulmate eight week course.
Rebecca is an author with two highly rated books: "Business, Life Universe" and "How to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time," both available on and Audible. She is the host of the podcast "Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant," ranked in the top 5% of all podcasts worldwide. She also maintains a blog on her website.
Her impressive repertoire of past roles includes a variety of commission-based sales positions, ranging from selling cars to selling beauty products to selling supplements. She relocated to Los Angeles to pursue acting and work as the Director of Admissions for children's acting schools.
Throughout her illustrious career, Rebecca has received awards and has been recognized worldwide for her outstanding leadership in Life Coaching. Rebecca received Top Life Coach of the Year for 2022 from the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) and her podcast won the Positive Change podcast award in 2022. This year she will be considered for a feature article in TIP (Top Industry Professionals) Magazine. She has also been featured on Insight Timer, Spotify, Pandora, and Shout Out LA.
The President of IAOTP, Stephanie Cirami, stated, "We are delighted to have Rebecca Whitman as a member of the IAOTP family. As a female entrepreneur, she provides visionary leadership, and her extraordinary achievements demonstrate that she will empower women worldwide. We look forward to celebrating her accomplishments at the Annual Awards Gala."
Rebecca credits her success to her perseverance, integrity, and well-known reputation for inspiring women to be authentic. She enjoys traveling and spending time with her family and friends when she is not working. Rebecca will continue to assist women in stepping into their power and achieving extraordinary results with resilience, grit, and grace in the future.
For more information on Ms. Rebecca Elizabeth Whitman, please visit:
The International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) is an international boutique networking organization that handpicks the world's finest, most prestigious top professionals from different industries. These top professionals are given an opportunity to collaborate, share their ideas, be keynote speakers, and help influence others in their fields. This organization is not a membership that anyone can join. You must be asked by the President or be nominated by a distinguished honorary member after a brief interview.
IAOTP's experts have given thousands of top prestigious professionals worldwide the recognition and credibility they deserve and have helped build their branding empires. IAOTP prides itself on being a one-of-a-kind boutique networking organization that handpicks only the best of the best and creates a networking platform that connects and brings these top professionals to one place.
For more information on IAOTP, please visit:

Rebecca Elizabeth Whitman selected as Top Life Coach of the Year by IAOTP
Industry: Media
Rebecca Elizabeth Whitman, Life Coach, Podcaster and Author, was recently selected as Top Life Coach of the Year for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP)
New York, NY (PRUnderground) November 24th, 2021
Rebecca Elizabeth Whitman, Life Coach, Podcaster and Author, was recently selected as Top Life Coach of the Year for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) for her outstanding leadership, dedication and commitment to the industry.
While inclusion with the International Association of Top Professionals is an honor in itself, only a few members in each discipline are chosen for this distinction. These special honorees are distinguished based on their professional accomplishments, academic achievements, leadership abilities, other affiliations and contributions to their communities. All honorees are invited to attend the IAOTP’s annual awards gala at the end of this year for a night to honor their achievements.
With more than 25 years of professional experience, Rebecca has certainly proven herself as an accomplished Life Coach and Success Mentor. She is a dynamic, results driven leader who has demonstrated success and professionalism throughout her entire career. Currently, Rebecca offers Life Coaching, mindset training and hosts retreats, in person or virtually.
Rebecca uses her exclusive knowledge and understanding to guide her clientele towards success. Her mission is to assist women in achieving work/life balance so they can have more fun and freedom. She believes by using the seven pillars of abundance you can attain happiness in your spirituality, fitness, emotions, romance, mental, social and financial life.
Through Rebecca’s 7-week training, Elegant Warrior, she gives tips, tools, strategies, and practical applications that will shift your life immediately. The 6 Figure Side Hustle is an 8-week program designed to unlock the freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want and with whom you want.
She is the host of “Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant” a podcast in the top 5% ranked globally. As an Author, Rebecca has written two highly rated book: “Business, Life Universe” and “How to Make a Six Figure Income Working Part Time” both available on and Audible. She also has a blog available on her website.
Her impressive repertoire of past roles includes several commission sales positions, from selling cars, to beaty products, to supplements. She moved to Los Angeles where she pursued acting and earned a living as the Director of Admissions for children’s acting schools.
Before embarking on her current career path, Rebecca attended Princeton University and earned her Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature/Letters.
Throughout her illustrious career, Rebecca has received awards and has been recognized worldwide for her outstanding leadership in Life Coaching. This year she will be considered for a feature article in TIP (Top Industry Professionals) Magazine, and for the Empowered Woman award given by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP). Rebecca was featured on Insight Timer, Spotify, Pandora and was recognized by Shout Out LA.
The President of IAOTP, Stephanie Cirami, stated “Choosing Ms. Whitman for this award was an easy decision for our panel to make. She is brilliant at what she does, has tremendous foresight and is a visionary for Life Coaching. We are looking forward to meeting her at the gala and she will make an amazing asset to our organization.”
Looking back, Rebecca attributes her success to her perseverance, her integrity and her highly regarded reputation for inspiring women to be authentic. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and traveling. In the future, Rebecca will continue helping women step into their power and create lasting extraordinary results full of resilience, grit and grace.
For more information on Ms. Rebecca Elizabeth Whitman please visit:
The International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) is an international boutique networking organization that handpicks the world’s finest, most prestigious top professionals from different industries. These top professionals are given an opportunity to collaborate, share their ideas, be keynote speakers, and to help influence others in their fields. This organization is not a membership that anyone can join. You have to be asked by the President or be nominated by a distinguished honorary member after a brief interview.
IAOTP’s experts have given thousands of top prestigious professionals around the world, the recognition and credibility that they deserve and have helped in building their branding empires. IAOTP prides itself to be a one of a kind boutique networking organization that hand picks only the best of the best and creates a networking platform that connects and brings these top professionals to one place.
For More information on IAOTP please visit:

CARDIFF BY THE SEA, Calif. - Aug. 27, 2018 - PRLog -- Rebecca Whitman explains that there are seven key areas of your life. Many people think that they must achieve wealth before they can live their best life. In this book, the exact opposite approach is described. Although, it may seem counter intuitive, financial abundance will be created as a by-product of getting these specific areas of your life in alignment. The information is easy to apply for immediate results. Author Rebecca Whitman has synthesized teachings from leading experts in order to save you time and money in seeking, comprehending and using this information on your own.
"How to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time" is a fast and easy read. This is not a get rich quick book; or a gimmick to get you to sell no money down real estate; or how to make money working from home. Rather, it is an outline on how to flourish in a happy, successful life. Money isn't everything in life, until you don't have it. Money buys freedom and this book teaches you how not to be a slave to money, but how money can create a happy and fulfilling life. Ms. Whitman has been making a six-figure income working part-time for over a decade. She shares practical advice on how you can immediately apply these same principles to your life. Not many people have all seven areas of their life in balance, but all these areas are interwoven. One small tweak in your approach could be a huge game changer in your lifestyle. The author's holistic, digestible, down to earth approach makes you feel like you are having coffee and getting tips from your closest friend. If you are seeking to feel more empowered in areas of relationships, finances, emotional and physical well being, this book is for you!
About the Author
Rebecca Whitman is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in English Literature and Italian Language and Culture. As an Executive Director for the direct marketing company Equinox International, she developed and trained a sales force of over one thousand individuals in 14 national offices. She was ranked number 3 out of 100,000 sales representative in personal sales volume. She went on to be a top producer at Mike Davidson Ford dealership in Jacksonville, Florida, where she developed new marketing strategies for their internet division.
She moved on to the internet startup company,, where she was the Vice President of Business Development. In this company, she not only exceeded her quarterly sales quota by 425%, she also hired and trained a sales team that developed a client base of over 281 car dealerships in ten cities in a period of 90 days.
As a Talent Coordinator for the Hollywood Group, she developed a new marketing strategy that increased the revenue of the company by $250k per year. She achieved between 100% and 400% of her sales quota for the Hollywood Group. As the Vice President of Sales for Be Entertainment, she created a sales force that took the company from 0 to $15 million is sales revenue in the first year. She assisted the company's expansion to 7 offices and managed 30 sales reps. She is currently Director if Admissions of The Playground-A Young Actor's Conservatory, where she increased the sales revenue of the company by $1 million per year for 5 consecutive year
In addition to her business acumen, Rebecca has done extensive study in the area of meta physics with such great teachers as Michael Bernard Beckwith, Esther Hicks, and Marianne Williamson. She has delved into the study of personal relationships with Dr. Pat Allen, Allison Armstrong, and Landmark Education. In addition, Rebecca has over 25 years of experience in the 12 Steps. She is also a SAG actor and has acted in numerous plays, television shows and films.
Rebecca is excited to teach her first seminar called the "7 Steps to Success" based on the book "How to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time" on September 16 from 1-6 pm in Santa Monica, California.
Further information is available on:
For speaking, media and coaching information, please contact
Dawna Schuman at
About Waterfront Digital Press
Waterfront Digital Press was founded by William Gladstone of Waterside Productions ( to fill a growing need for authors to release their work directly to the general public through a digital platform. Waterfront has established a special relationship with Amazon to offer a full service, turnkey solution for digital publishing.
For further information or to schedule a story or an interview, please contact the publisher or author via the author's agency at:
Johanna Maaghul (415) 328-5303

The recent economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has left many people struggling to make ends meet. Millions have lost their jobs, and those who are still employed are constantly worried about job security. The idea of recession-proofing your life may seem daunting, but it is possible with the right strategy. One effective strategy is to start a side hustle, and Magnetic Abundance Mentor Rebecca Whitman can help with that.
Rebecca Whitman’s philosophy divides life into seven Pillars of Abundance: spiritual, physical, emotional, romantic, mental, social, and financial. She believes that achieving balance in all seven areas is key to living a fulfilling and abundant life. To help people accomplish that, she has created a 6-Figure Side Hustle program that helps women exit unfulfilling jobs and launch profitable side businesses.
Unlike other business coaches who may encourage people to quit their job and take on debt to start a business, Rebecca’s program teaches clients how to launch a successful side hustle while still maintaining their current job. This is particularly helpful during uncertain economic times, as it allows them to supplement their income without taking unnecessary risks that can easily derail their lives.
Rebecca combines metaphysical principles with practical business strategies to help women create wealth from their feminine energy. She believes that women have a unique energy that can help them create successful businesses that align with their values and purpose. By tapping into this energy, women can create a profitable side hustle that brings them joy and fulfillment.
Rebecca’s life-changing coaching programs have helped countless women leave toxic relationships and dead-end jobs to launch successful side hustles that bring them financial abundance and personal fulfillment. Her programs are designed to help women achieve balance in all seven Pillars of Abundance, which is what sets them apart from the competition.
In addition to her coaching programs, Rebecca is also a bestselling author and host of the top 5% globally ranked “Balanced, Beautiful & Abundant” podcast. She has been recognized as the #1 Life Coach & Empowered Woman of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals, and her programs have helped countless women achieve real change.
There’s no doubt that recession-proofing your life with a side hustle is a smart strategy in uncertain economic times. Rebecca Whitman’s 6-Figure Side Hustle program offers a unique approach to launching a profitable side business while maintaining your current job. By tapping into your feminine energy and creating balance in all seven Pillars of Abundance, you can transform your life.

Next Big Thing: Top 7 Entrepreneurs In 2023
Welcome, readers of LA Weekly, to a special feature that takes you into the lives of the visionaries who are pushing boundaries, redefining norms, and shaping the entrepreneurial landscape of 2023. Today, we present to you not just a list of names, but a collection of unique journeys, each echoing resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.
These trailblazers aren’t just making their mark; they’re impacting industries, inspiring a generation, and creating a ripple effect of transformative change. Each story you will read is a testament to audacious dreams, tireless efforts, and the indomitable spirit that breeds true innovation.
In this feature, we celebrate the movers and shakers, the change-makers who are breaking new ground and lighting the way forward for future entrepreneurs. They represent diverse industries, hold various backgrounds, and bring unique insights, yet they all share one common trait – an unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and making a significant impact.

Rebecca Whitman, a transformative life coach and best-selling author, has made it her mission to empower burned-out women to achieve balance, beauty, and abundance in their lives. Through her 7 Pillars of Abundance, Rebecca helps women leave toxic relationships, magnetize their soul mates, and transition from unfulfilling jobs to profitable purposes. As a mentor and creator of the 6 Figure Side Hustle program, she focuses on teaching clients to come from contribution rather than desperation, emphasizing the importance of multiple income streams.
Rebecca’s journey began as her marriage unraveled and her father’s final days approached. In one of their last conversations, her father expressed pride in her zest for life and asked her to inspire others. This led her to write “How to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time,” which introduced her 7 Pillars of Abundance and laid the groundwork for her impactful coaching programs.
What sets Rebecca apart from other coaches is her belief in a stress-free approach to entrepreneurship. She encourages women to start their side hustles and transition smoothly from their jobs when they’re financially comfortable. As a testament to her success, Rebecca has been voted the #1 Life Coach and Empowered Woman of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals, and she has given keynote speeches at Columbia University and UCLA.
Rebecca’s top-ranked global podcast, the Balanced, Beautiful, & Abundant Show, has earned a Positive Change Award from Speak Up Talk Radio. She has been featured in numerous publications, appeared on national television, and shared stages with renowned speakers such as Les Brown, Grant Cardone, and Jack Canfield.
In the next 2-5 years, Rebecca envisions herself delivering inspiring, life-changing keynote speeches, leading international retreats, and expanding her podcast’s reach to over 1 million downloads. She plans to publish another book on attracting a soulmate in midlife and partner with more brands that align with her mission. To learn more about Rebecca Whitman, visit her website at and follow her on Instagram at @rebeccaEwhitman.

In an era defined by innovation and resilience, a group of extraordinary women are making waves across various industries, pushing the boundaries of what's possible and redefining success. While they may hail from different parts of the world, their influence resonates strongly in the vibrant city of Miami, creating substantial impact and serving as an inspiration for many. Each of these leaders has a unique story to tell, a trail of victories that culminates in extraordinary success. From real estate moguls who are redefining luxury living, to fitness pioneers shaking up traditional workouts, life coaches guiding people towards abundance, and visionaries crafting sustainable global solutions. This engaging compilation of their stories is sure to inspire budding entrepreneurs, fascinate readers, and of course, be a reason of pride for these accomplished women who'd love to share their journey. Here they are, Ten Inspiring Female Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Miami's Business Scene in 2023:
Rebecca Whitman - Transformative life coach and best-selling author, pioneering the 6 Figure Side Hustle program

As a transformative life coach, best-selling author, and dynamic speaker, Rebecca Whitman has devoted her life to helping women on the edge of burnout reclaim their power and purpose. Rebecca's unique approach to the 7 Pillars of Abundance has proven transformative for many, guiding them away from toxic relationships, towards soulmate connections, and from unfulfilling careers to purposeful, profitable ventures. Her well-regarded 6 Figure Side Hustle program emphasizes the significance of contribution over desperation and highlights the advantages of maintaining multiple income streams.
Rebecca's ground-breaking book, "How to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time," established the 7 Pillars of Abundance and formed the blueprint for her life-altering coaching programs. Her ethos is rooted in a stress-free approach to entrepreneurship. Encouraging women to gradually transition from their existing jobs into more fulfilling side hustles, only when they've attained financial security. This philosophy has earned her international acclaim, including the titles of #1 Life Coach and Empowered Woman of the Year from the International Association of Top Professionals.

Rebecca Whitman, the owner of “Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant”, has devoted herself to empowering women to reach their optimal state of health and happiness through her four pillars of wellness. Her approach aims at helping women transform from overwhelmed, burned-out individuals to empowered, energetic ones. As a best-selling author, life coach, and podcast host, Whitman believes that true wellness involves aligning various aspects of life, and she aims to create that alignment through her work.
Whitman’s wellness philosophy emphasizes four essential pillars: Hydration, Nutrition, Movement, and Meditation. They form the foundation of health and well-being. Whitman has guided several women and has helped them understand how they have to incorporate these four pillars into their daily routines despite their busy schedules.
Whitman considers hydration as the first pillar in her wellness plan, and she stresses it as the major component of optimal well-being. People often overlook the importance of adequate daily water intake.
While it might sound too ordinary, staying well-hydrated really does wonders for energy enhancement, skin improvement, and boosting mental clarity. Whitman assists her clients in setting achievable daily water intake goals. Staying hydrated prevents lethargy, aids digestion, and flushes out toxins.
The second pillar is nutrition and Whitman asserts that it is important to take balanced, whole foods to boost the immune system and to support wellness. She points out that nutrition is not all about eating less, or counting calories but feeding the body with high-quality foods.
According to Whitman, the body should be fueled through the consumption of the right foods including fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Her approach also focuses on how women in the corporate world can overcome hurdles when it comes to making nutritious choices, proposing effective ways of ensuring that they eat healthy foods even with their busy schedules. Whitman emphasizes that nutrition is a key component of self-care and it should be addressed even if one has many things to do throughout the day.
Movement is the third pillar and comes with the idea that physical activity is as important to our physical and mental health as food. She states that movement is not merely synonymous with workout; it’s about finding enjoyable ways to stay active that fit into a woman’s lifestyle. Whether walking, yoga, strength training or any kind of exercise, Whitman encourages her clients to make it a regular part of their routines.
Movement is not only beneficial in the improvement of the cardiovascular system and strengthening muscles, but it also has an impact on stress, mood, and energy. Whitman follows the philosophy that when women choose to include movement in their lives, it becomes manageable and effective for their long-term health.
Meditation, the fourth pillar, is the bonus M that Whitman introduced to boost the phases of the wellness plan. According to Whitman, Meditation offers a way to calm the mind, reduce stress, and cultivate inner peace.
She helps women through meditation to enable them to reconnect with themselves, gain clarity, and let go of the mental and emotional pressures of daily life. Whitman stresses that even a few minutes of meditation each day can do wonders to relieve stress and improve emotional health.
Holistic Wellness for a Balanced Life
Whitman’s four pillars of wellness; Hydration, Nutrition, Movement, and Meditation—are designed to create a balanced and holistic approach to health. She believes that radiant health does not only refer to outer beauty but involves feeling good from the inside out.
Whitman’s program focuses on self-care as a necessity, not a luxury, and encourages women to make their well-being a priority in their lives. By following her advice, women are likely to achieve a balance that helps them flourish in all areas of life, from their careers to personal relationships.
Rebecca Whitman’s ‘Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant’, with its focus on the principles of Hydration, Nutrition, Movement, and Meditation, helps people to achieve healthier well-being. By prioritizing these areas, Whitman assists women in unlocking their potential for a better, healthier, and more productive life.
Published by: Khy Talara