I was a perfectionist. I was always beating myself up. I was using the words “coulda”, “woulda” and “shoulda” which you definitely want to take out of your vocabulary because “coulda”, “woulda” and “shoulda” are all words that we used to beat ourselves up and I would micromanage everything I said even my thoughts. I was just constantly comparing myself to some impossible standard of perfection and it was really taking my joy out of life.
So today we're going to talk about three simple ways to overcome the trap of perfectionism. And the first one is to “strive for imperfection”, if we strive for perfectionism it's an impossible ideal but if we strive for imperfection we can hit the bull's-eye every time. Perfectionism is an impossible ideal so if i can strive for imperfection I will hit that everyday so my number one favorite affirmation to overcome perfectionism is “I am striving for imperfection”, that is a game changer.
The second way to overcome perfectionism is “done is better than perfect”. It is so important because so many people get stuck in analysis paralysis they have a book in them or they want to go on a trip or they want to start dating again but they don't want to do anything until they're perfect they're like “I don't want to date until I get in perfect shape”, “I don't want to travel”, I know traveling's kind of weird right now with Covid but even if they're vaccinated they don't wanna travel until they have so much money in the bank. Well, life is short and if you keep putting putting everything off before you know it, your life is going to be over and you're going to have regrets about what you might have done had you not been a perfectionist, so if you have a book, if you have a song, if you want to go on a date, if you want to do something just do it! Done is better than perfect.
The third thing is “don't be afraid of making mistakes”. Mistakes are actually the stepping stones to success. The only way to really learn something is through making mistakes. Mistakes are not something to be feared mistakes are our friend and i really like the affirmation “I am not a mistake” if I make a mistake it's separating yourself from the results you are not your results I like to say “I'm in the action business and God is in the results business. I get to go for what I want in life whether that is a financial goal or a romantic goal or a fitness goal or a friendship goal or just getting my taxes done. So the results are not up to me but I get to go for what I want so these are all great simple ways to overcome perfectionism.
Do you know someone that could benefit this too? Go ahead and share it with them. Because there's so much freedom in a not being a perfectionist. There's so much freedom in just being a human. Humans are fallible, we're messy, we're vulnerable and that is why people fall in love with us. Nobody falls in love with someone who's perfect. Someone who's perfect is boring. But if we're vulnerable, real and authentic and we make mistakes and we learn from them, that is what it means to be alive.